
Friday, January 4, 2013

PU essay marist

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\tab Everyone perform various roles in their lives. In my life, there are two roles that I do which makes me unique from my peers. I am a transfer student and an outstanding tennis player.\par
\tab My role as a student is quite challenging. Prior to attending Bayonne High School last year, I lived in Egypt for 13 years. The transition from Egypt to the United States has been really difficult at times but overall a very good learning experience for me. Differences in items such as the language, tradition and school system forces me to work much harder to fit in with everyone. Since moving back to the United States, I have put more emphasis on my education. It would be expected that I would enter into an ESL program because of being away from the United States for so long. On the contrary, in my junior year I took regular courses and in the following year I took more advanced courses such as physics and precalculus. Due to continous hard work, consistency and determination, I have managed to succeed in becoming one of the top students in my classes at Bayonne High School.\par
\tab Although I love almost every sport, I find tennis the most enjoyable and rewarding sport. It gives me the ability to express myself in a very creative way. It also has opened many doors and has allowed me to meet new people from various backgrounds. \cf1 Since moving back to the United States, I have put more emphasis on my tennis. \cf0 Currently I play number One singles in my high school and I also play competitively in the United State Tennis Association (USTA).\cf1 I played first singles at my high school and I went undefeated. This included playing top players outside my conference. Also, I have been named the first singles player in Hudson County for the 2002 as well as the 2003 scholastic year. I am currently ranked 28\ul th\ulnone in the Eastern Tennis Association (ETA). Presently, I am working with a coach to improve all aspects of my tennis game. It is important that I find an intercollegiate tennis program that will enable me to continue improving my tennis game. This is one of the reasons why I would love to attend your school.\cf0\par
\tab There is no doubt that the transition had been quite a struggle. I have come to a conclusion on how firmly I can stand when tough situations is around. I consider myself unique from my peers because I managed to be successful both academically and athletically which required an extreme organization of time. Through this transition, I have experienced life in many different ways in which I realize that it has prepared me for college life quite well.\fs20\par

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