
Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Symbolism of the Setting in Hills Like White Elephants

In Ernest Hemingway's story "Hills Like White Elephants" an American couple is sitting at a table in a train station in Spain. They are discussing beer, travel, and whether or not to have an abortion.
The train station and its surroundings are symbolic in this story. The station itself represents the choice on whether or not to have the abortion. There is a set of tracks on either side of the station, each representing one of the choices.
On one side of the station, the tracks run through a lush, green landscape full of grainfields and trees. A wide river runs lazily in the foreground of some tall mountains. It is almost like a paradise. This side of the station symbolizes the choice of going through with the abortion. As it is now they travel all around the world, drinking and staying in hotels, and seeing all the beautiful places in the world. They have no responsibilities or schedules in their life. With an abortion, they could continue their party- and fun-filled, although meaningless existence.
The other side of the station is dry and barren of plantlife. The ground looks as if there has been no rain for quite some time. There are hills in the distance that have a whitish color as the sun radiates on them. The woman said, "They look like white elephants."(343) White elephants are known to symbolize unexpected gifts, which is certainly what the baby would be should they choose not to have the abortion. The barrenness of the land refers the tame life--settling down and having the responsibilities of parenthood--that they would have to start living when the baby came; a life that would be duller but would have a purpose.
The bead curtain represents the fact that once they choose a side, to have the baby or not, they cannot change their minds and then switch sides. Once the decision has been made, it will affect their lives forever. The man wants to have the abortion so they can continue to have the luxuries they enjoy now. On the other hand, the woman is tired of the wilder life and wants the baby and to settle down.
Works Cited
Hemingway, Ernest. "Hills Like White Elephants" Literature and the Writing Process. Eds. Elizabeth McMahan, Susan X Day, and Robert Funk. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice, 1996. 343-46.

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