
Friday, January 4, 2013

The Pearl 2

The Pearl

As Kino and Juana walked hand in hand back to
their brush house the song of evil hung over them like a
shadow. For they could not understand why their pearl ,
this beautiful wonderful pearl that was supposed to bring
them so much happiness wasn't worth nearly as much as
they had expected. When they arrived at the brush house
Kino sat in a corner while Juana placed Coyotito down in
his crib for a nap. Kino again raised his pearl out in front
of him. On it's shiny surface he could see the images that
he had once seen before starting slowly to diminish. But
Kino with a adamant look on his face refused to give up.
We will go to the capital city and get all that we deserve
for this pearl. We have waited long enough he told Juana.
She heard his voice and she knew better then to argue, she
knew he was determined. The next morning Kino awoke
early. He turned to awaken Juana. He told her to pack the
essentials, he wanted to get an early start to the city.
Juana awoke without a fuss. As Juana started to pack she
thought about Coyotito. She told Kino that it might be
dangerous traveling that long of a distance. Kino told her
to bring him to the house of his brother Juan Tomas. She
did and Juan Tomas and his wife Apolonia said that they
would gladly take care of him. She thanked them and
went back to Kino. He had just finished packing. He then
grabbed a few corn cakes and they started on their long
As they arrived in the city they had found that it had
almost entirely changed. The streets were more crowded,
the stores were getting more business, and all in all was
more modern. Kino walked up to a young looking man
and asked where the pearl buyers were located. The man
didn't answer he just walked away. Kino thought that
this particularly strange. Back at La Paz anyone would
have been glad to give Kino directions. Juana told Kino
that she would try and that maybe she would get
directions. Juana went up to an older man and she asked
him the directions to the pearl buyers. She continued to
tell him about the pearl, how her husband had this big
and exquisite pearl. Then he did something she never
expected him to do, pull out a rifle turned to Kino and
demanded the pearl. But Kino was confused. Because of
his lack of knowledge he thought this man wanted to trade
pearl for rifle. Kino told him he was going to get much
more then just a rifle. Then Kino started telling him
about all that he saw in the pearl. How he was going to
get new cloths and so on. But the man was not amused.
He thought it was some sort of joke or smart remark. He
pointed the gun at Kino and Juana and told them to go
with him into an alley, over past one of the more popular
stores. Kino and Juana walked in front while the man
followed. In that alley way the story ended. It was said
that Kino was shot and Juana had only minor injuries.
Only one more thing was said that the music of evil from
that day forth forever lingered in Juana's mind.

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