
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Story Manifest Function

In a land far far away and long ago there was an abundance on game animals until
hunters came and slaughtered animal after animal to sell to near by restaurants for profit.
Time passed and many became rich but the once abundant forests were now some how
empty and game-less. Something had to be done! That's when mayor, John Enviro Mental
the II of New Brunswick decided he would ban the listing of game animals on the menus
at near by restaurants to stop the pilfering of the land. He chose the menu ban because he
still wanted for there to be hunting but not hunting for profit. He brought his proposal
before the city council where it met resistance, but being the accomplish politician he was,
he knew a bribe would get them into a passing the law kinda mood.

Some of the Manifest functions John saw was the preservation of game that would
be brought about if he could stop hunting for profit by taking the game off the menus at
the near by restaurants. However latent functions occurred with the passing of the law, the
amount of people who suffered food poisoning from the meat cooked at the restaurants
went down.

However latent dysfunction's occurred, somewhere ville, their neighbor to the
east, who's economy was propelled by their firearms and ammunition industry suddenly
had no customers, and promptly went bankrupt. A wave of unemployment and bitterness
swept through the town, and the people became angry at what the foolish mayor of New
Brunswick had done to their city!

Back in New Brunswick things weren't so good either, people who once made
their living by hunting, were now living in squalor. They were forced to turn to a life of
crime and mug people on the street to get money so they could eat !

With the recent crime wave that struck the city the mayor was losing popularity
and the town began to turn against him. People in desperation for a solution began to get
crazy ideas like burning down city hall or hanging the mayor. Well when the people of
Somewhere ville moved to New Brunswick looking for a job they also brought their ideas
of revolution.

3 Months after the bill was passed the mayors house was burned in the middle of
the night. He came out of his burning house to a angry mob. The angry mob promptly
hung him from the tree in his front yard.

Overall manifest functions: To reduce the taking of game from depleted forests.
Overall latent functions: Reduced food poisoning from under cooked meat.
Overall latent dysfunction's: Crime, unemployment, the mayors unfortunate death.

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