
Friday, January 18, 2013

Jurassic Park 2

Michael Crichton, a master of suspense, has created a novel for your imagination. This book
involves prehistoric animals and plants from the Jurassic era. Steven Spielberg took on this book, as
a movie project to add to his collection of visually mastered Science-Fiction motion pictures. Both the
movie and the book have captured the imagination of people around the world. In this paper, it will
show the similarities and differences for the first third of these two superb creations.
One of the similarities of both the movie and the book is the construction accident. The
movie and the book's opening scenes show some Jurassic Park workers loading a dinosaur into a
maximum security cage. The dinosaur grabbed a hold of one of the workers causing chaos
throughout the worksite. The construction worker was drawn in by the dinosaur and never returned.
After this "construction accident," the worker's family was suing Jurassic Park for a sizable sum of
money. The family sent out a lawyer to the island to see if the park is safe, and if its the cause for
their relative's death.
The book tells stories that the movie doesn't show. One of those is about a little girl. The
little girl is vacationing with her parents when she goes off by herself exploring. She was looking for
animals for her class, when she stumbles upon a lizard. She starts to get closer, when the lizard
attacks her. The little girl starts to scream and cry until her parents come running to get her. At the
sight of the adults, the lizard ran off. The girl's parents rush her to the nearest hospital. There, she is
treated for serious scratches and incisions to her body. Later on, she tried to describe what the lizard
looked like, but no one believed her because the description sounded nothing like any known species
of lizards. She drew a picture of what she remembered the lizard looking like.
Meanwhile, back at the sight where she had been attacked, a man was looking for a lizard
matching her description. He saw a Howler monkey finishing his meal. The man recognized the tail
and shot the monkey, so he could retrieve the remains of the lizard. The man brought the remains of
the lizard to the doctor who sought out the treatment to the little girl. The doctor had no idea on what
the lizard could be. She took an X-ray of the remaining section of the tail, and sent the X-ray and the
picture the little girl drew to Dr. Alan Grant.
Dr. Grant is a Paleontologist who was currently working on a site. Dr. Grant took a look at
the pictures and immediately knew that in fact it was not a lizard, yet a dinosaur. As to jinxing the
dinosaur thought, Mr. John Hammond came to visit Dr. Grant. Mr. Hammond has been funding Dr.
Grant's research and developments for thousands of dollars. Mr. Hammond wanted Dr., Grant to
come to his park and to consider endorsing it. Mr. Hammond also invited Ellie Sattler to come along
for the weekend. Ellie is a Palenbotanist who was working with Dr. Grant.
This is where the book and the movie rejoin. Dr. Grant and Ellie are flown to Isle Nubar
along with Ian Malcom a Chaotition and Hammond's two grandchildren Lex and Tim. Dr. Grant and
Ellie along with Malcom, Lex, Tim and the lawyer Gennaro tour the park.
At the beginning of the tour some things start going wrong. The dinosaurs aren't coming out
when they are suppose to, another dinosaur is sick, only to start a sting of problems off.
That is where my section ends and the second third picks up. If you haven't seen Jurassic
Park the movie or read Jurassic Park the book, I highly suggest you do. A master of suspense and
the leader of visual effects meeting, is sure to be a winning team.

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