
Friday, January 18, 2013

jayds essay

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\pard\qc\cf2\b\fs56 No Smoking in Restaurants, Bars or Public Areas!\fs20\par
\tab T\fs24 here are 3,000 deaths are caused every year because of second hand smoke? Smoking in restaurants, bars or public areas should not be alowed. This law would enable more people to go to restaurants because they wouldn't have to worry about smelling the smoke while they ate or they wouldn't have to choose non- smoking or smoking. This would also help the 3,000 deaths a year drop tremendously. With this law enforced all restaurants, bars and public areas would have no smoking allowed whether they would like it or not. If people would smoke in the area then they would be kicked out for the dayand fined 100 dollars.\par
\tab Two-thirds of the smoke from a burning cigarrette is not inhaled by the smoker but goes into the surrounding air? Secondhand smoke has twice as much nicotine and tar as the smoke that smokers' inhale. It also has five times the carbon monoxide. Out of the 4,000 chemicals in secondhand smoke, fifty cause cancer. Children have higher risks from secondhand smoke because their lungs are still in the process of growing. Secondhand smoke causes asthma or makes asthma worse. Even if people have never touched a cigarette, people still can get cancer and other deadly diseases. Secondhand smoke also makes allergies worse, so by having people smoke in the community they put other people in danger. You can find all this information at, and There is no reason for allowing people to smoke in public areas. \par
\tab By smoking it hurts themsleves and others, so everyone should just help prevent it by not alowing it.Secondhand smoke\fs20 \fs24 can cause eye, nose and throat irritation. It can also cause headaches, dizziness, and nausea, coughing and wheezing. Secondhand smoke can seriously intensify symptoms in people with allergies or asthma. Long term exposure causes heart disease and cancer. Even smokers breathe in second hand smoke, in addition to the smoke they inhale directly thye give off smoke to others. Secondhand smoke causes cancer by chemicals in second hand smoke going inside your body directly causing cancer. Other chemicals help the cancer get started. while other chemicals speed up its development. Some damage the body's natural cleaning systems so that toxic substances can enter and remain in the body. Secondhand smoke also increases risk of death from heart disease by 20 to 30 percent for non-smokers married to smokers. This law would help by cutting secondhand smoking deaths in half. This law is safe and will be healthy for anybody.\par
\tab These are the facts.Just remember how bad secondhand smoke is and what this law can do by not letting smokers smoke in restaurants, bars and public areas. Secondhand smoke causes 3,000 deaths every year and causes many deadly diseases. This law will help cut back the deaths related to emphysema, lung cancer and heart disease. This law will also help children and adults with asthma and allergy problems. Now people will not have to worry about smokers smoking while they are eating or in public areas. Second hand smoke is very unhealthy and life threatening, so by not alowing smoking in restaurants, bars and public areas this will help our community be healthy. No smoking in resturants is safe and healthy and there is no reason not to have this law.\f1\par

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