
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Italian Men

One day I'ma go to a bigga hotel. Ina da morning I go downa to eatta breakfast. I
tella da waitress I wanna two pisses toast. She bring only one piss. I tell her I wanna two
pisses. She say to go to da toilet. I say you no understand, I wanna two piss on my plate.
She say you better not piss on the plate, you sonna ma bitch! I don't even know da lady
and she calla me a sonna ma bitch!

Later I go to eatta lunch at da Duke Resturaunte. Da waitress bringa me a spoon
and knife , but no fock. I tella her I wanna fock. She tella me everybody wanna fock. I
tella her, you no understand...I wanna fock onna da table! She say you better not fock
onna da table you sonna ma bitch!

So I go backa to my room inna hotel. There's no shits onna my bed. I calla da
manager and tella him I wanna shits. He tella me to go to the toilet. I say you no
understand...I wanna shits onna da bed. He say you better not shit on the bed you sonna
ma bitch!

Then I go to check out of da hotel, and da same man at the desk say "Peace to
you!" And I say "Piss on you too, you sonna ma bitch. I'm gonna go backa to Italy!!!"

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