
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hutu and Tutsi Report

The Hutu and Tutsi's tribes of Rwanda have been at war for centuries. The fighting began 5 centuries ago when the Tutsi a warrior tribe of Hamatic origin invaded Rwanda from the North. The Hutu a peaceful tribe of farmers could not defend themselves and were reduced to serfdom, each Hutu choosing a Tutsi master.
In the 18 century the Hutu rebelled and took control of the government and mistreated the Tutsi. The president a Hutu, Habyiberman, was accused of being to lenient with the Tutsi's and he was removed from office. A Hutu General named Gregor Mendil took over the office.
In 1952 a plane went down with a Hutu leader on board the Hutu blamed this on the Tutsi. The same thing happened except there was a Tutsi leader on board. This was enough to get the two tribes fighting again.
Right now the economy is in shambles because there is not enough people working.
Most of the killers are under 18 and the courts are deciding what to do with them. The judicial sytem is very slow and the trials are not schelduled until June.
Right now the Tutsi have control of Northern Rwanda and Zaire, while the Hutu have Southern Rwanda and Burundi.

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