
Friday, January 18, 2013

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde


In the novel Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, by R. L Stevenson, a story of
mischief and selfishness occurs. It's like this, there is a man called Dr. Jekyll
he doesn't like who he is so one day he thinks of a potion that makes his good
part split away from his bad part. That is when Mr. Hyde comes into the
picture, he is the bad part of Dr. Jekyll. Mr. Hyde likes to party have a good
time and cares less about others, but Dr. Jekyll is a caring Doctor whom
everybody adores and loves. Mr. Hyde gets himself into a lot of trouble in
this story for example he gets a man killed and pushes down little girls for fun
Mr. Utterson, a lawyer and a friend of Dr. Jekyll's, finds something peculiar
about Dr. Jekyll and decides to keep a close watch on him.
One day the potion stops working for Dr. Jekyll and he can't turn back
into himself , he stays in the body of Mr. Hyde, the dreadful, ugly, little
midget whom nobody likes. He decides to hide in his study upstairs and tells
his servants that he is really sick and contagious and tells them to stay away
from the study where hopefully nobody will see him. The only source of
communication is the notes he writes to his servants.
One day Mr. Utterson and the servant break down the door of the
study to find out if it really is Dr. Jekyll in that room. To their surprise it is
Mr. Hyde with a bottle of poison. He had committed suicide before they had
a chance to break down the door to the study.
The book ends when Mr. Utterson reads a letter which says "only to be
read when Dr. Jekyll is deceased" When he opened it, it had a precise
explanation of who Mr. Hyde really was and how everything happened.
R L Stevenson's novel is amazing. The reason being is the explanations
he uses like "the dreadful face of Hyde put shivers down my spine".
Stevenson really gave me a mental picture of a beast and how Mr. Utterson
must have felt the first time he saw Mr. Hyde.
This novel really reminds me of the time when I was playing a game on
my computer with all these monsters and images of death and hatred. I
remember it being about 10:00 p.m. at night when a thunder storm broke out.
I paused and felt the shivers going through my spine and out through my feet.
I was horrified I immediately shut off my computer and hid under my covers.
I felt like I was being attacked by some beast who had some kind of hatred
for me, and took joy in it. I never played that game again, it was to real to be
The concerns that arose from this book were: what if it was really
possible to split the good and the bad, how would the world be? Would the
bad be killing the good or the other way around? Would the society turn all
bad and have nothing but hatred in this world? That is how I sometimes feel
when I see the hatred going on in our society? Why can't we just get along
with each other. It wouldn't be that hard. If there wouldn't be any racism
around I estimate that there would be about 30% less hatred in this world . If
I only had one wish in this world I wouldn't wish for gold or a nice car, I
would wish for peace and caring in this world, because in the long run with
no hatred everybody would have everything like nice cars or lot's of money
Love equals sharing.
Through this book I made a very important decision, I will try to be
nicer to people because I really do think that it all pays off in the end. I
would really recommend this novel to people who like mystery and suspense
novels, I really enjoyed this novel. It is also fun to read.
In a way I could compare myself to Dr. Jekyll, because I sometimes
really do get tired of who I am. I wish I could be older and do what I want to
do without first asking permission from my parents. I wish that I was better in
math and that I could do equations in my head without any difficulties. In a
way I can achieve all of that if I work harder for example on my math.
In conclusion, in the novel Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, mischief and
selfishness occurs which gets a young gentleman, by the name of Mr. Jekyll,
in lot's of trouble. If there would be more people like Dr. Jekyll in this world,
this place would be a total disaster.

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